Unless your needs are very basic I dont suspect you will be using this as a replacement for a full featured email client. However it is a great replacement for Google Notifier. This is exactly what I needed. Due to differences between traditional email servers and gmail I have never been thrilled with the experience of using standard imap desktop clients with gmail. To get the most seamless and frustration free experience with gmail you really need to use the web app in my opinion. But without a mail application running in your dock to notify you of new messages you may accidentally close your browser tab and forget to check your email for some time. If you need to provide timely responses to email this could be bad. Mia for gmail solves this problem for me.
I did not use the previous version which had a lot of negative comments about the authentication. I can say that with this version I had no problem authenticating to Google using Google preferred oAuth 2.0 mechanisms.
digitaladdictions about Mia for Gmail